Wednesday, November 27, 2019

AIDS Essays (1545 words) - HIVAIDS, HIV, Herpes Simplex, Virus

AIDS Essays (1545 words) - HIVAIDS, HIV, Herpes Simplex, Virus AIDS Gonzales 1 The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was first discovered in 1981 as a unique and newly recognized infection of the bodys immune system (Mellors 3). The name AIDS was formally know as GRIDS (Gay Related Immune Defiance Syndrome). The first case of AIDS was discovered in Los Angeles, where scientists from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) were called in on a half dozen cases. The CDC was convinced what they were seeing was a new strand of virus. None of the staff members had ever seen a strand of virus that could do so much destruction to the immune system like this one did. Many theories about this disease were in question. Many scientists believed it originated in Africa. Many thought the virus existed in humans in South Central Africa for hundreds and thousands of years, causing only minor symptoms in isolated groups until it spread more widely. AIDS could also be traced back to 1959, where a blood sample was taken from a man from Zaire and then frozen. Labs later indicated that the blood sample had the AIDS virus strand in it. Some weird theories also arose in the science arena, where some scientists believed that the virus was caused by a mutation of an existing virus. Others thought it was a creation of God to punish sinful people. A former government worker claimed it was a plot by the CIA to eliminate the population. One scientist thought the virus was brought here from outer space. One more theory about this virus was this was natures way of telling us we have to many people. Gonzales 2 The AIDS rate was known to be very high in homosexual men. It was believed that the AIDS virus was carried from Africa to Haiti. Haiti was known as gay paradise, because it was a popular vacation spot for homosexuals. Bathhouses were the hang out for many homosexual men and a place where prostitution flourished. Some bathhouses reported that more than 1000 men would visit each year. Since many men from all over the world visited these bathhouses, researchers believed the spread of AIDS could be linked to this type of behavior. There are many symptoms that are associated with the AIDS virus, such as HIV (Human Immundodeficiency Virus). HIV is subdivided into two related types, HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is individuals at high risk for developing the AIDS virus. HIV-2 is among people in West Africa and a few other cities that have the strand of the virus called SIV (Simian Immundefienciency Virus) which is found in wild African monkeys. The pattern of the HIV virus usually lasts up to ten years before any symptoms are detected. The first stage is the Primary HIV infection stage. This is where the disease is first detected. Following 3-6 weeks after the initial detection, the Acute HIV Syndrome stage kicks in. Some symptoms to look for in this stage are fever, headaches, sore throat, rashes, and diarrhea. The next stage is the Clinical Latency stage. This stage usually lasts for several years. Some symptoms to look for in this stag e are fever, weight loss, fatigue, night Gonzales 3 sweats, and diarrhea. Some infections to look for in this stage are Herpes Zoster (Shingles), Herpes simplex, and lesions on the body. Following the pain and suffering that comes with all these symptoms; death finally takes its toll on another victim. The death toll that AIDS has inflicted on America today is unbelievably high. Within the past decade, the pandemic of HIV and AIDS infections has spread all across the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that by mid 1996 approximately 28 million people worldwide would had been infected with the HIV virus, of whom 8 million have developed the AIDS and nearly 6 million, including 1.3 million children had died (Mellors 4). It is estimated that about 22 million adults and children are infected worldwide from the HIV virus, and of the 22 million people, about 1 million are in the United States, 5 million in Asia, and about 14 million people in Africa. By the year 2000, the number of AIDS infections will reach about 40 million people across the

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Insulins Form Function essays

Insulins Form Function essays Insulin has a few uses in the human body. Some are more important than others. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the bodys use of sugar and other foods. Insulin i produced in specialized cells in the pancreas, which is a part of the pancreas. Abnormalities cause the decrease of insulin, which causes diabetes. It is this disease that the body cannot use sugars properly and glucose ( a form of sugar) builds up in the blood. When food is absorbed into the bloodstream, the pancreas increases the secretion of insulin into the blood. Insulin speeds the movement of nutrients from the blood stream into target cells, which are located mainly in the liver, muscles, and fat tissue. Specialized protein molecules called insulin recptors lie on the surface of the target cells. The insulin receptors bind to insulin, which activates the receptors. The activated receptors on cells hasten the entry and utilization of the nutrients. Glucose and other simple sugars, produced by the digestion of more complex carbohydrates, are used for immediate energy or converted to glycogen for storage. Amino acids, produced by the digestion of proteins, move into cells and there form the building blocks for proteins. Fatty acids, produced by the digestion of fats are converted for storage and later used for energy. This occurs when you eat foods. For example, say that two minutes earlier you ate a nice big juicy steak. You are not going to instantly get energy. It takes time for the energy to be produced An insufficient amount of insulin in the body causes a form of diabetes called Type I Diabetes. In a milder form of diabetes known as Type II diabetes, the patient usually produces normal amounts of insulin, but the body does not utilize insulin properly. This may occur because the patient has too few insulin receptors or has defective receptors. In most patients, the cause of the disorder is not know. In some people, tumors produced larg...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The touristic developments in Libya Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The touristic developments in Libya - Essay Example Despite being the second largest oil producer in the world, Libya continues to be underdeveloped even though the UN embargo was lifted in 2003. To understand the prospects of tourism in Libya, it is necessary to know the economic situation, the political condition, the natural resources, the local culture and the people, and the infrastructure in Libya. Libya’s economic progress has been very slow and it has been dependent on overseas technology, expertise for expansion and modernization, and upgradation of the vital infrastructure (Infrastructure Libya, 2009). However, even after two decades of isolation and sanction, Libya continues to be Africas second largest oil producer after Nigeria (Gearon, 2007). It has an authoritative form of government as the government has total control over the oil resources which accounts for approximately 97% of the export earnings, 75% of the government receipts and 54% of the GDP (BNEA, 2007a). It is believed the economy has been mismanaged and the income of the country has mostly been used to increase personal influence of the bureaucrats. This has resulted in high inflation and increase import prices. As a consequence, the standard of living continued to decline up to 2003. Because of the bureaucratic form of government privatization and growth were constrained. There was excessive contro l over prices, credit, trade and foreign exchange. The country also experienced periodic shortage of food and other resources. The country is however endowed with natural resources such as Petroleum, natural gas, gypsum. Wheat, barley, olives, dates, citrus, vegetables, peanuts, soybeans are the agricultural produce of Libya but almost 75% of the food required in Libya is imported (BNEA, 2007). The country has business relations with different for different products. While it exports crude oil and major petroleum products to Italy, Germany, Spain, Turkey, and France, it